Facility Rehabilitation - WATER BEARING STRUCTURES
Market: Specialty Work
Timeline: October 2023-March 2024
Final contract value: $4,854,081
Project Description:
The Charles Wells Reservoir Rehab project repairs the interior and exterior of the reservoir. This project is approximately 25 feet underground and has a tank capacity of 6.9 million gallons of treated surface water. Our scope includes the installation of a new liner membrane on the interior of the reservoir, which requires coordination with the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority to drain the reservoir, clean the interior of the reservoir, and inspect and make repairs as required. Also included in this coordination is the preparation of the interior concrete surface and installation of the liner membrane system, cleaning and disinfecting of the reservoir, and the water testing and refiling of the reservoir before placing it back into service. In addition to these interior changes, minor repairs to the exterior of the reservoir are also being completed.